Taking good care of your kid's dental condition should be fundamental to your schedule. Our dentists advise brushing your kid's teeth as soon as the first one appears. Always check on the toothbrush you purchase for your young ones as their teeth are delicate to handle bristles made for adults.
The common inquiry question by most of our patients is whether electric toothbrushes offer many benefits compared to their counterparts' manual ones. Well, the simple answer is it depends. We foster proper dental maintenance for the young ones and have equal perspectives on both types of toothbrushes. What matters is how and when your kid uses the toothbrushes. However, personalized electric toothbrushes with colorful and unique features may sensitize reluctant kids into engaging in brushing their teeth often.
Do Electric Toothbrushes Offer Cutting Edge Over the Manual Ones?
Experts claim that there exists no objective clinical evidence of such misconceptions. However, the quality of cleaning your kid's teeth depends on the individual child, with some preferring the use of manual over electric toothbrushes and vice versa.
The idea is to ensure your kid cleans their teeth to the par, and if that's not the case, electric toothbrushes come in handy to enhance the brushing efficiency. The toothbrushes will ultimately do the cleaning for you and reach areas where manual toothbrushes may have been omitted.
Our dentists advise replacing your kid's toothbrushes after at least three months of usage. In the case of electric toothbrushes, the head of the brush ought to be replaced in a similar duration to avoid the growth of bacteria in the toothbrushes.
Which One to Choose?
Trying out both toothbrushes will give you a glimpse of what your kid prefers. Your kid may find electric toothbrushes comfortable and convenient or, unfortunately, find it scary hence ensure you pick the type they blend with perfectly. For more information on electric toothbrushes and their implications on your kid, visit our offices today. Call us and book a consultation with our team of specialized experts.
About Our Chicago Emergency Dentist Practice • East Village Dental Centre We have provided comprehensive dental care for the East Village / West Town / Noble Square neighborhood for 40 years! Learn about our dentistry today! East Village Dental Centre, 901 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 ~ 773-341-9325 ~ evdental.com ~ 3/25/2025 ~ Related Terms: Dentist Chicago IL ~