Brushing your teeth is essential for good oral hygiene. We advocate for brushing several times a day for a prescribed time to avoid the potential dangers that can happen if you abandon this important practice.
Possible Outcomes if You Don't Brush Your Teeth
After you eat or drink bacteria forms on your teeth. Their job is to eat the sugar off your teeth. However, this bacteria also produces an acidic waste. This acid breaks down the enamel of your teeth which can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.
Understanding Plaque
The sticky film that forms on your teeth is full of bacteria. It is called plaque. If plaque is not brushed away it can cause external and internal problems in your body. The appearance of yellow or dingy teeth, is indicative of a plaque buildup. Most everyone is aware that cavities can form on your teeth and periodontal disease can become a reality following a plaque buildup. Sadly, these two outcomes can also worsen and cause your teeth to fall out. In addition, research is showing that the bacteria in your mouth can affect your immune system. If bacteria is present under the gumline it can access your blood. These bacteria have been associated with respiratory problems and heart attacks if circulated into your bloodstream.
Bad Breath Problems
Another problem if people ignore their brushing routine is bad breath. Simply brushing after meals helps to eliminate stinky bacteria. Overhauling your brushing routine may be necessary to stay ahead of bacterial overgrowth and freshen your breath.
It is important to brush your teeth. Flossing, rinsing, and brushing are the three building blocks to maintaining healthy oral hygiene. Routine cleanings are also essential. In our office we enjoy helping to improve oral hygiene by both educating and encouraging our patients. Stop in and see us for improved oral health.
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