The drug Methamphetamine has recently grown in popularity and has become a widespread public issue in most countries. The U.S. and North America are highly affected by the spread of the drug due to the illusion that the drug is cheap, easy to make, and provides a long-lasting high. It is known by various names out in the streets, such as speed, ice, meth, and glass, among other names.
What It Is and How It Is Taken
Methamphetamine can be smoked, injected, or taken orally. It is a bitter powder that readily dissolves in water and alcohol. It can be in the form of small, brightly colored tablets that can be combined with caffeine at times. It stimulates the release of blocks of neurotransmitters called dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain. That means that the drug affects the brain directly by altering the levels of neurotransmitters. The result is a feeling of pleasure and euphoria.
Oral Effects of Methamphetamine Use
The effects of this drug are diverse and visible. It is associated with severe caries called colloquially or crank decay. A pattern of decay is often seen on the smooth surfaces of the teeth at the interproximal surfaces of the front teeth.
The reason behind this is that it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, causing decreased saliva production and flow, leading to xerostomia and increased chances of tooth decay.
Methamphetamine users who have poor oral hygiene habits are at higher risk since they allow the build-up of plaque and cariogenic bacteria that continuously metabolize the sugar into acids. Methamphetamine users are also addicted to the consumption of large quantities of carbonated and sweet sodas to quench the thirst of their craving for sweets.
The drug is associated with other negative conditions like bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorders, and myofascial pain. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, visit our offices today for professional help.
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