Your teeth and gums, as any Noble Square dentist will tell you, are amazing pieces of biological machinery. However, like any machinery, they need fuel and regular maintenance to keep doing their jobs. That means you’ll need to take care of them by eating the right foods and practicing good dental hygiene.
However, if you don’t know what vitamins and nutrients that your teeth rely on, it’s hard to know what foods promote oral health. Fortunately, in this post, you’ll hear straight from East Village Dental Centre, home to Noble Square dentists, about the surprising foods that are actually good for your teeth.
You probably wouldn’t have guessed that these tasty fruits—which can turn your teeth red, temporarily—are actually great natural teeth whiteners. This is because inside each strawberry, there’s something called “malic acid.” Malic acid acts as a teeth whitener so as long as you floss after eating strawberries to get those little seeds out from between your teeth, strawberries will promote a healthy mouth.
You’d think with the stinky smell that garlic leaves in your mouth after you eat it that it wasn’t the best thing for your oral health. But that’s not quite true! Garlic, thanks to its antibacterial properties, helps reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth that lead to diseases. Plus, garlic is good for both your teeth and your gums.
Cheese, yogurt, and milk are all great sources of calcium. Because of this, dairy helps to strengthen your teeth against damage. Not to mention, a critical component of your oral health—your jawbone—is also strengthened when you’re consuming the proper amount of calcium.
If you’re a fan of spinach, that’s good news for your teeth. This leafy, green vegetable is chock full of folic acid and vitamins C and A. It’s also got minerals including calcium and iron to keep your teeth and jawbone nice and strong. Finally, since spinach provides your body with good fiber, it helps promote a healthy gut. And a healthy gut is important for the health of your teeth.
Noble Square Dentist at East Village Dental Centre
Want to learn about more foods and best practices that can keep your smile healthy and shining? Give East Village Dental Centre a call today and set up an appointment.
About Our Chicago Emergency Dentist Practice • East Village Dental Centre We have provided comprehensive dental care for the East Village / West Town / Noble Square neighborhood for 40 years! Learn about our dentistry today! East Village Dental Centre, 901 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 / 773-341-9325 / / 2/9/2025 / Related Terms: Dentist Chicago IL /