Why Scuba Diving is Sometimes Bad for Your Oral Health
Posted on 11/8/2021 by East Village Dental Centre
Scuba diving is an underwater diving activity. It involves the diver using a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA). This device is independent of the water surface and enables a steady supply of air. While scuba diving can be an exciting activity, it poses a danger to your oral health. There are several oral problems associated with this activity. It is important to know the oral dangers associated with scuba diving for better protection.
Scuba Diving and Oral Problems
There are several oral problems associated with scuba diving. The most common one is barodontalgia. Also known as tooth squeeze, barodontalgia is tooth pain caused by changes in ambient pressure. Once you reach ground level, the pain ceases. However, this condition can leave your teeth in bad shape. Continued scuba diving can worsen barodontalgia and put your teeth at risk of total damage. Therefore, you should put measures in place to limit the effects of scuba diving on your teeth.
Scuba diving can also lead to jaw pain. This is mainly caused by holding the air regulator in your mouth too tightly. Jaw pain makes it hard to speak and chew food. You could also experience underbites. Continued scuba diving can result in TMJ disorder, a condition that affects your jaw joint. If you have oral appliances like dental crowns, scuba diving could loosen them. This is mainly caused by the excessive pressure that builds up in your mouth. The pressure dislodges dental crowns and affects their functionality. The same could also happen to those having dental implants. Scuba diving with dental implants will cause damage to them through breakage. This will make them ineffective.
Our Experienced Staff is Here to Help
You should put measures in place to limit the effects of scuba diving on your oral health. That way you can enjoy your hobby without struggling with ill effects afterwards. Contact our office for more information on the effects of scuba diving on your oral health.
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