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How to Make Oral Care Fun for Kids

Posted on 2/21/2022 by East Village Dental Centre
How to Make Oral Care Fun for KidsTaking care of your teeth can be boring for adults, let alone trying to get kids excited about it. But, oral health is essential for everyone, and making it fun for kids can be easier than you think. Here are a few tips on making oral care fun for kids.

Introduce kids to oral care early on in life

The earlier you introduce kids to oral care, the more likely they will develop good habits. Start by gently cleaning their gums with a soft cloth or infant toothbrush when they're first born. This will help them get used to the sensation of having something in their mouth and start getting their teeth clean early on.

Make brushing teeth a fun experience

Brushing teeth can be a chore for kids, but it doesn't have to be. Try making tooth brushing into a fun game. For example, play music in the bathroom while they brush their teeth, or give them a timer and see how fast they can brush their teeth. You could also let them use their favorite toothbrush or toothpaste flavor.

Let kids choose their toothbrushes and toothpaste

Giving kids the choice of their toothbrushes and toothpaste can make brushing teeth more fun. Let them choose a brightly colored toothbrush or one with their favorite character on it. And, let them pick their favorite flavor of toothpaste – whether it's mint, strawberry, or bubblegum.

Reward good oral care habits with stickers, small prizes, or extra privileges

Kids love getting rewarded for good behavior, so why not reward them for taking care of their teeth? For example, give them stickers or small prizes when they brush their teeth twice a day for two weeks straight. Or, let them stay up an extra half hour on a school night if they have brushed their teeth that day. There are many fun ways to reward kids for practicing good oral care habits.

Making oral care fun for kids can be easy with these simple tips. By introducing them to oral care early on in life, making brushing teeth into a game, and giving them choices about their supplies, you can help get your kids excited about taking care of their teeth. For more information on how to keep your family's oral health in check, visit us today!




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