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The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process
Chicago, IL

Wisdom Teeth Removal provided by in Chicago, IL at

woman smilingOnce your teeth are straight, it is important that you get your wisdom teeth removed in order to ensure they don’t grow in and start to disrupt your smile. Your mouth is only big enough to handle a certain number of teeth, so your third row of molars, also referred to as your wisdom teeth, often need to be removed. As a general timeline, wisdom teeth tend to start coming in between the ages of 17 and 25, typically first spotted on an x-ray. Here are some common reasons our wisdom teeth dentist in Chicago may need to remove your wisdom teeth:
•  They are impacted: Impacted wisdom teeth occur when they come in so far back in your mouth that they may become trapped in either your jaw bone or your gums.
•  They are entering at the wrong angle: if your wisdom teeth break through your gums at an odd angle, they can press against your other teeth and cause pain.
•  Your mouth is too small: An extra set of molars in the back of your mouth makes for an extremely crowded mouth.
•  You are developing gum disease or cavities: If your wisdom teeth come in at a bad angle and overcrowd your mouth, they make it more difficult to reach the back portion of your mouth. This is also true for dental floss.

Before & During Surgery

Before surgery, feel free to ask Dr. Treinkman, your wisdom teeth dentist in Chicago any questions that you may have. You will also discuss the type of anesthesia that you want to have. Your choices are local anesthesia, IV sedation or general sedation. The surgery itself should only take 45 minutes or less!


Recovering from getting your wisdom teeth out is typically the biggest hurdle. If you don’t respond well to anesthesia, it could make the process more difficult. While you likely won’t feel much pain, you will need to take it easy for the first few days after surgery to make sure you are recovering well. Your cheeks will be swollen and puffy, so using ice packs to help swelling go down is also a good idea. Gently exercise your jaw by opening and closing it and eat soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing.

Make sure that you don’t drink through a straw as it can loosen blood clots that are important to your healing process. You also shouldn’t rinse your mouth too harshly, as it could loosen blood clots as well.

Please contact our wisdom teeth dentist in Chicago to schedule an appointment!




Mon, Tue, Thu: 8am–7pm
Wed: 8am–5:30pm
Fri: 8am–5pm
Sat: 7am–3pm
Sun: Closed
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Process - Chicago • East Village Dental Centre
Looking for more on the wisdom teeth removal process around Chicago? Visit East Village Dental Centre today - we've been helping the community for years!
East Village Dental Centre, 901 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 ~ 773-341-9325 ~ ~ 3/6/2025 ~ Tags: Dentist Chicago IL ~